Sunday, November 8, 2009

In Honor of My Father

Five years ago today my father died. I've been all emotion for the past two days as I searched for a yahrzeit candle, looked up when sundown was on the day before, and found these pictures.

Here's a pictorial remembrance.

Dad, I miss you so much.


  1. Wow,Alison,these are wonderful pictures of you and your father. What a treasure. Thanks for posting them.
    And the pictures of your trip with Jeff are great too!

  2. I want you to know I lit a candle for him because I seem to always remember that is the day he passed on.

    I can't help but want to remember a GREAT man who raised MAGNIFICENT woman who has always been the dearest of friends.

    Oh...........and he had EXCELLENT taste in wine!

    Hugging you tight my dear. Remember him and all the good times.
