Friday, December 18, 2009

A Funny Thing About Asheville, NC

They don't plow when it snows.

It snowed a foot today. It started early in the morning and went on through dark. The temp hovered in the low 30's but never below 32. I was out driving from noon to 5 and realized that no streets were plowed. Not I-40. Not I-240. Not US-25 or US-25A. The Blue Ridge Parkway was closed. Cars sat diagonally on major streets because they couldn't make it up gentle inclines. Even with the amount of show, the streets would have been quite manageable, if they were plowed. Finally, after hours of backtracking and wondering if I'd get stuck, the unplowed driveway to Mom's apartment complex was what got me. I had to park on the side, along with the other 10 vehicles, and trudge up the long hill. After living through New England and Kansas winters, I was astonished that this city of nearly 79,000, did not plow its streets.

It was pretty though. By the way, those round objects in the photos are not orbs. Just snow.

1 comment:

  1. Whoaaaaaaaa!! Storm is supposed to hit Kansas tonight, how can I take cool pictures like yours?
