Friday, May 1, 2009

Am I a mentally-challenged-ist?

During my stay with Eric, in Elk Grove, CA, my walking route was twice around Elk Grove Park, which is about a half mile from his house. On my first pass I noticed a group of adults having a picnic. As I neared them I realized that, except for several attendants, they were all profoundly mentally challenged. This scene brought to mind a job I had in Minnesota in 1981 at a state hospital for the severely and profoundly mentally retarded. I mused on those memories and what a positive experience it had been in my young life. As I approached the group on my second pass I saw a guy who appeared to have separated himself from the group. He was at the far end of a small parking lot, about 100 feet from the rest. I looked ahead for an attendant, then back at the guy and realized that no one was aware of his absence, and they appeared to be preparing to leave. I decided to alert an attendant. As I approached the picnickers, I looked back and saw that the wayward charge was on his hands and knees in the parking lot. Yikes, I'd better pick up the pace! I approached a woman who I assumed to be an attendant. "Excuse me, but I think someone from your group has wandered away," I said, pointing to the guy in the parking lot. She looked over and nodded. "I noticed him too, but he's not with us." ..........???!!!! I mean, what are the odds??

p.s. I was relieved to see him getting into a car, that is, until I began wondering about the driver.

1 comment:

  1. You must be a "mentally-challenged-ist"

    You found ME didn't you??
